There’s no magic blueprint for the perfect drug rehab program. Everyone has different needs when it comes to addiction recovery. With that said, a few services work wonders for most people. One of the best examples is psychotherapy. The term “psychotherapy” simply refers to talk therapy. It’s a range of treatments that help people with mental health disorders. Addiction is one disease therapy can treat because it’s a mental illness. Rather than use medicine, therapy helps people understand their feelings and change their lifestyle.
What is Psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy, which people refer to as just talk therapy or counseling, helps people with an array of mental illnesses. Since addiction is a mental disorder, therapy works wonders with managing addiction. In either case, it controls or eliminates troubling symptoms that stem from disorders and emotions. Dealing with negative emotions can assist people in improving their overall well-being.
Key Areas in Psychotherapy Helps People
Psychotherapy can help people on a number of levels and with a variety of problems. For example, it’s important for dealing with trauma. It can also help people deal with specific disorders such as anxiety and depression. However, how does dealing with these problems help people overcome addiction? After all, most experts agree that a psychotherapy treatment program is a good option for people with this disease.
Counseling helps because it addresses the root cause of addiction, which could be a mental health illness. Most people don’t aim to abuse drugs. It just kind of happens. Typically, drug abuse is the result of another underlying problem. For example, people who struggle with trauma or depression don’t always seek professional help. Instead, they self-medicate in order to feel normal. However, taking drugs only makes them feel normal for a short period of time. In order to get lasting relief, they have to deal with the underlying issues.
Psychotherapy Types and Techniques
Mental health treatment can’t have a one-size-fits-all approach because there are various diagnosable illnesses. People also experience many different symptoms that vary in severity. Addiction is no different, therefore, experts develop numerous psychotherapy techniques for comprehensive treatment.
One-on-One and Group Therapies
There are traditional forms of therapy as well. For example, one-on-one sessions involve only one client and a therapist. Together, they focus on the cause of addiction while addressing buried emotions. Group sessions can involve up to 12 clients and one or more therapists. Overall, clients have similar problems, so they benefit from building relationships with their peers. They observe how others handle issues and provide feedback to facilitate change and improvement. Not to mention, the support clients get in group therapy helps them overcome the sense of isolation addiction creates. Although it scares some people, the sessions demonstrate that nobody is alone in their addiction struggle.
Family Therapy
Overall, family counseling is a type of talk therapy that helps relatives resolve conflicts. Additionally, families learn skills for strengthening their relationships and getting through hard times. Each person has the opportunity for further emotional support as well. Licensed therapists provide this service to our families. As a part of treatment, therapy might include every family member or only those willing to participate. Family therapy is similar to group therapy because multiple clients participate. However, it generally includes the client with addiction, their closest loved ones, and one therapist.
Behavior Therapy
Behavior therapy is a technique that helps people understand how their behavior makes them feel. Thus, it focuses on doing more positive activities like those that reinforce social interaction. Overall, the main objective is to replace negative behavior with positive alternatives.
Therapists achieve this by assessing the specifics of client behavior. Then, they enhance their client’s opportunities for positive experiences. This approach is most helpful for people whose emotional distress is evident in their own behavior.
Cognitive Therapy
As another technique, cognitive therapy focuses on the theory that the way people think shapes how they feel. Therefore, changing inaccurate or negative beliefs positively affects how an individual feels and perceives situations.
Rather than look at the past, cognitive counseling focuses on current patterns of thinking and interacting with others. For example, therapists help clients confront improper thoughts by showing them various perspectives of similar situations.
Oak Forest Recovery Offers Psychotherapy
Whether you need drug or alcohol addiction treatment, Oak Forest Recovery provides therapy for your unique needs. Addressing substance use and other mental health problems, please reach us today at 1-888-597-6257 or submit the form below to learn more.
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