Do you have a loved one affected by the disease of addiction?

Hosted by Oak Forest Recovery’s chief operating officer, Dr. Patrick Lockwood, family education night is a weekly online meeting designed to help people who have a loved one struggling with addiction to get some actual relief. It’s not a therapy session, you don’t have to sign any consent forms – we just want you to feel understood and gain some clarity on what the treatment process looks like.
Together, we’ll discuss topics ranging from addiction and mental health to treatment options and how to navigate crises.

Oak Forest Family Education Night

When: Every Thursday at 5 PM PST
Where: Zoom Meeting (Enter Info To Receive Details)

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Do you have a loved one affected by the disease of addiction?

Hosted by Oak Forest Recovery’s chief operating officer, Dr. Patrick Lockwood, family education night is a weekly online meeting designed to help people who have a loved one struggling with addiction to get some actual relief. It’s not a therapy session, you don’t have to sign any consent forms – we just want you to feel understood and gain some clarity on what the treatment process looks like.
Together, we’ll discuss topics ranging from addiction and mental health to treatment options and how to navigate crises.

About Dr. Lockwood
Host of OFR Family Education Night

Dr. Patrick Lockwood

COO & Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Lockwood has trained with experts in the field of addiction treatment and has worked at every level of the treatment industry. He is currently an adjunct professor at California Lutheran University, teaching future clinicians about clinical skills, addiction, and research analysis. He also has a podcast on YouTube about topics related to mental health, wellness, psychology, and neuroscience called “the psychology checkup.” Finally, dr. Lockwood is the author of “the fear problem,” a book integrating the neuroscience and evolutionary psychology of our fear process to explain why we get triggered by politics and other “hot topics.”

Dr. Patrick Lockwood

COO & Licensed Clinical
Psychologist (PSY29866)