About 21 million Americans struggle with at least a single addiction. The fortunate ones get on addiction treatment and start their journey to recovery. However, after the treatment is complete, many other steps will be needed to ensure that one doesn’t fall back into the same habits. One of the most effective ways to do this is to offer transitional housing. This type of housing will help former addicts to re-enter society and navigate their new challenges.
What Is Transitional Housing?
Transitional housing refers to furnished and fully equipped accommodation meant to provide a safe and stable environment for individuals in recovery. The term transition simply refers to how former addicts will use this accommodation and are trying to integrate themselves back into society. Since these individuals would have spent some time in rehab, they will need time to transition into independent daily life. As such, life at a transitional housing center will not be as structured as that at a rehab center. However, there will still be stringent rules regarding conduct and responsibilities.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse recommends that when an individual has completed treatment at a rehab center, they must stay for about three months at a sober living facility or transitional housing. However, not all individuals will stay for the same exact time. How long one stays will depend on their individual circumstances and needs.
Benefits of Transitional Housing
There are several benefits to staying at a transitional housing facility. Many addicts struggle with staying sober after rehab. Therefore, it’s not uncommon to find that some of them will slide back into their old habits. This is also partly due to the challenges of a sober life. The purpose of transitional housing is to help former addicts in their journey as they move from institutionalized life to independent sober life.
Sober Social Network
When one is staying at a transitional facility, there are many other individuals there who will have the same story as theirs. It prevents the feelings of loneliness that strike most people when they leave the rehab facility. Transitional houses have a positive social aspect. Residents can become part of group meetings and have access to many recovery resources.
There are a lot of benefits to staying at a transitional house after finishing treatment. This is an important step in the journey to recovery that can help to ensure that the drug problem is gone for good. When you are ready to begin this step of your journey, be sure to consult with Oak Forest Recovery.